Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Top Ten: Reasons to Downgrade from Microsoft Vista

As a Software Engineer, and Microsoft Platform developer since 1994, today's Top 10 list gives me no pleasure.

I've never worked for Microsoft (might have come close, but never pulled the trigger), but as a Microsoft Platform developer, I do have an interest in keeping up with Microsoft. Until recently, I was a big proponent.

Vista changed all of that. The industry claims that it has been a "disappointment". Funny word, that. I'm disappointed when I don't complete a task perfectly. This, my friends, extends way beyond "disappointment". Instead, the following words are more applicable: disaster, RISK, anchor, BLOAT, legacy, unready. Personally, I really think that the RISK to Microsoft and to enterprises by Vista is way underestimated and underreported. The product puts Microsoft at long term risk, and puts enterprises using it at short term stability and financial risk.

With all of the said, on with the Top 10...Reasons to Downgrade from Microsoft Vista!

10. It is so great and so successful, that hardware manufacturers rolled back to sell and support XP and Microsoft offered to let people downgrade.

9. It has a large number of awesome out of the box features, that any user not in a retirement home will quickly learn to either turn off, or pay someone to turn off for them.

8. Aero strives to keep up with the competition, but is a hog, and honestly not much of an improvement. Most of the visual useful features (move over previews of windows for example) could have been provided in an XP service pack.

7. So many people are frustrated with Vista that Microsoft has actually had to tell people that help will take a long time to get to them...don't expect improvements with Service Pack 1, if EVER.

6. It is HUGE. It eats disk space and chokes on memory. How can this beast crawl at times on a 2.4ghz Dual Core machine with 320gig of disk space and 4gig of RAM?

5. Run as Administrator. So much could be said about this that it makes one's head hurt. Summarize the problem this way: if your MOTHER downloads a slots game from a website and wants to play it, she is instructed to RUN IT AS FREAKING ADMINISTRATOR TO INSTALL IT, AND SOMETIMES PLAY IT! This is simply an attempt to shift responsibility for malware from Microsoft to the end users. Sometimes, the cure is worse than the disease.

4. Do the words 'NOT RESPONDING' mean anything to you? It will with Vista. IE not respond, Word not responding, Explorer not responding, FREAKING NOTEPAD not responding. If my fat fingers can move so fast to speed past vista (doing ordinary tasks), does that sound like my problem, or Vista's problem? (Hint: it isn't my problem).

3. I want to understand sidebar. I want to like sidebar. I want to respect sidebar. I want to kill sidebar. I want to love sidebar. Sorry, I was distracted. What is the freaking point of this thing? It isn't as good as what the Mac offers. It is only useful on multimonitor displays. It is strange that if you have Google Desktop, it is painful to use Microsoft gadgets (and vice versa). It eats memory, on a platform that needs to be treaded for an eating disorder.

2. Internet Explorer doesn't work well. It often crashes without warning (prompting web based business systems to lose client side state/data). It consumes lots of memory at times (I've clocked it using over 1.5 gig of RAM!)

And, FINALLY (which is what people will say with Vista++ is released), the #1 reason:

1. Vista took so long to finish, and had so many features removed, and costs so much (hardware upgrade + software purchase cost) to own, it is SCARY SCARY SCARY to think of how much it would have ACTUALLY cost if all of the DROPPED features had actually been INCLUDED.

This Top 10 may be amusing, and may be accurate, but it was depressing to write, and gave me no pleasure to compose.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Top Ten: How to Bank a Million

Another in a series...this time we cover the Top 10 way to end up with a Million in the bank.

There may be some sarcasm in this post, and some drop dead serious suggestions...but all of these Top 10 items will lead to a Million in the Bank.

And now, the Top 10 Ways to Bank a Million:

10. To quote the age old joke: start with $2 million, and invest the money in Florida real estate.

9. Invest it wisely from as young an age as possible, and continue to drop money into investments as often as possible. How boring!!!!! (Yet, effective).

8. Find some trick on one of the Internets which no one has thought of before. Zany, crazy or different...that is all that matters!

7. Beat Geraldo to the secret cache of buried treasure. But honeslty, how often does this happen? Better to try for #6!

6. Beat the odds and win the lottery. Note: the most strongly discouraged of any Top 10 item EVER. The Fool's game if there ever was one.

5. Be physically gifted, and become a professional in a sport which people find interesting. Tough part: changing that DNA.

4. Marry into it. Tough choice with this one: you can use it to make it into something truly special, that you are a part of...or you can just party it away. Excellent!

3. Do anything noteworthy, then sell your soul to the tabloids. You will likely lose it as a result of the experience, but at least you will have it!

2. Inherit the money, be smart and/or raised right, and work to grow it.

1. Do what you love, turn it into something that people want, teach it to others, get good people around you, and GROW IT. The surest way known to free societies.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Top Ten: Reasons TO vote for Hillary Clinton

Last time, we provided you with a list of the Top 10 Reasons to not vote for Hillary Clinton in 2008.

This time, we will provide you with the opposite, the Top 10 Reasons TO vote for Hillary Clinton.

Considering whether to vote for Hillary or an alternative in the Democratic primary? Hillary or the Republican in the general election? These are the Top 10 Reasons to make you feel good at night and cast the deciding vote!

10. She's the only Democrat even close enough to help you keep your food down after you eat.

9. Sure having lived in the White House makes her more than qualified. Get in early on the Jenna Bush 2016 band wagon!

8. If it is good enough for Germany or Argentina or India, it must be time for us! Qualifications aren't THAT important, are they?

7. Maybe Hillary will work to change the Constitution so that we can have Bill back. Can't we just have Bill back??!?

6. Even with people from all over the world living in America, including from the Middle East, people who live in the ACTUAL Middle East can't possibly live in a Democracy. We need to give up just enough to let some Dictator take over. What's the worst a Dictator could possibly do?

5. A consensus builder is much better than a decision maker. It is good to get Europe's approval before doing anything to change things...I mean, after all, we're just the new guys on the block, we don't have the experience to make big decisions.

4. You miss Bill. You want Bill. She is just like Bill, right?

3. You feel better voting for a woman. Details don't matter, just makes you feel better. Now go get a Latte and relax.

2. You are an attorney, and will look forward to all of the new business started with medical reform, business reform, election reform, and the future en vouge issues (funny how the Democrats want to reform everything to help "you" except for Legal Reform. Oh way, that isn't funny...the Lawyers pay them good money to have it that way...just good business sense!

And finally, the super exiting #1 reason...
1. You want a change, but just not too much change...just enough to not upset the boat too much. No radical change in Iraq, no radical change with the War on Terror, no radical changes.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Top Ten: Reasons not to vote for Hillary Clinton

This postings is the first in a series of Top 10 Lists on this site, for your reading pleasure.

This particular post isn't about Democrats or Republicans, it is about people. However, if you wish to use this as guidance towards your vote in the Democratic Primary or the general election, we wouldn't be ones to discourage you.

And now, the Top 10 Reasons not to vote for Hillary Clinton

10. She was in the college Republicans. She should still be a Republican.

9. With so many voters feeling so strongly about a change of course, is going back to a Clinton REALLY a change of course? No, it is just more of the modern American Political dynasty.

8. She has never been ultimately in charge of anything. One reason (of many) than Senators do not often become President is because the President is an Executive. A member of Congress is NOT an Executive. A Governor, for example, is a Mayor.

7. The nineties worked well because of divided government. The best government is often a government that doesn't do anything unless it is critical. A divided government helps to accomplish this.

6. The last Democratic president sold our soul to China. What will the next sell, to promote globalism? Surrendering Israel for peace? Giving up on Cuba? Working with Venezuela?

5. If you are voting about Iraq, she isn't the vote for you. Strong change is not Hillary change.

4. Military spending will not go down (in real dollars anyway). No spending will go down.

3. If you are voting for her because she is female, that is irrelevant. I would like a female president, but we should all vote for someone who is like thinking. Hillary does NOT represent all women any more than Bill represented all men.

2. If you plan to vote for her because you miss Bill, please remember...she isn't Bill. Bill has been president, and his time is up. Hillary may be married to Bill, but she has both demonstrated and asserted that she is in fact her own person.

And finally....drum roll please...
1. If Hillary was willing to allow Bill to "explore the field" during his days as Governor, in the White House, and in his post presidential life, and she compromises herself so willingly, isn't that as clear an indication of her character as anything? Shouldn't we expect her to take the same course of action in a tough international negotiation (with, say, North Korea)?